Hello. Today we went to a competition/meeting for all the kendo dojos around Nodashi. It was really impressive. First to fight were young children, I'm not sure how old they were but some of them looked like 5 or so. Then there were highschool students, and last were older people from university and so on. Everyone fought really well, especially when they were in the finals haha, they really went at it. I also saw a lot of people do jodan, which was interesting to watch. It was also quite funny because I knew a lot of people who were there, and people came to talk to me (I suspect because I am somewhat of a novelty, being the only foreigner there, or at the dojos). I've uploaded a short video of the warm-up here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuUYg5hcOCQ My camera is really bad :( I myself have been feeling great. The sensei who runs the old dojo is generally really grumpy and criticises me a lot: I hold my shinai wrong, I fold my hakama wrong, I bow wrong and so on. He is 7...
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