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Showing posts from January, 2017

Our First Keiko in 2017

We had our 1st 2017 keiko on Saturday 7 January. A warm welcome to Walter from London and Minh Ha from Paris. Also, welcome Jason moving from Otago to Hamilton and Colin picking up shinai again! It is really a special keiko to see such old and new faces! Walter led a waza practice on debana kote. Waza practice on debana kote Ji-geiko Ji-geiko Ji-geiko    When Walter was introducing himself to the Waikato kohai,  Sam was surprised to hear that Walter started his Kendo here "fifteen" year ago! It was then confirmed from a simple math: 2017-2002 = 15! It is great to see Walter's dedication in Kendo, both a cornerstone in the NZ Team since 2006 and a recent achievement in Godan (5th Dan). Wish him and Minh Ha have a great time in NZ and a  safe trip back to Europe! Some more photos are here. * History on the Day Our 1st Kendo in 2016 (9 January). Best wishes to Felix, Claire and Zhefu  who have fi

2016 Novice Championship Results

Results of the 9th New Zealand Novice Championship 12-13 November 2016 Acknowledgment  It is a special Novice Champ this year because we have Awatea Yi-Williams and Walt Kim who have participated the 1st Novice since 2008 when they were Kendo Beginners. This year, both of them have achieved Yondan (4th Dan) kendo and served as shinpan-in (referee) in this championship. It is a great pleasure to see so many talented young people have dedicate themselves in Kendo and the Novice Champ as a part of their Kendo journey.  Furthermore, we thank Alan Stephenson sensei for his long service as the Shinpan-cho  (chief judge) and running the shinpan seminar in the Novice Champ. Huge thank to contribution and supports from Graham Sayer sensei, the President of NZKF who just returned from Japan, and Kirk Doran sensei. We also thank Naoko Goto, Leo Lin, Thomas Hong, Kai Yoshitani and Lina Igarashi for supporting the shinpan duty. Lastly, we thank Marleen Charng sensei