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Showing posts from November, 2019

2019 NZ Kendo Novice Championship Results

The 12th New Zealand Kendo Novice Championship 9-10 November 2019 Acknowledgment  We thank Jason Oh Sensei (6th Dan) from North Shore Kendo Club for his service as the  Shinpan-cho  (chief judge) and running the shinpan workshop in the Novice Champ. Huge thanks also go to Ben Chin, Makoto Kuroda,  Naoko Stephenson,  Walt Kim,  Thomas Hong , Leo Lin, Luo Wen, Eric Viola, Ren Sayer, and Yoko Maruyama for their service as a shinpan.  Shinpan workshop led by the Yondan Senpai  This is the third time of  Yon-Dan Division Shiai as a shiai demonstration for the novice Kendoka to learn from their high grade senpai but also providing an opportunity for these junior Kendo instructors to learn from each other in a shiai situation. We appreciate the efforts from all the participants:  Naoko Stephenson  (AKC) ,  Wlat Kim  (NSKC),  Thomas Hong  (NSKC), Luo Wen  (WKC) , Ben Chin (AKC), Ren Sa...