Original post on our club's previous forum Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 9:45 am Post subject: 8th Kyu Grading (for Gi & Hakama) * * * It's our club's tradition that beginners should pass 8th Kyu grading before putting on Gi & Hakama (the Kendo cloth & skirt). Normally after 2 months learning and training, all beginners are expected to perform Suburi well. This is the first grading for our beginners. The items in the 8th Kyu grading will include: 1. Kamae 2. Footwork : forward-backward, right-left, and diagonally. suburi : The act of swinging the shinai up and down vertically or diagonally. 3. Joge-buri : vertically 4. naname-suburi : diagonally kukan-datotsu : Image an opponent in space, and strike the targets. 5. Men 6. Kote 7. Do 8. Side Men 9. Kote-Men 10. Kote-Do That's all and please don't worry too much. Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 3:58 pm Post subject: What virtues do the hakama pleats represent? * * * ...
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