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Showing posts from July, 2010

2010 Kendo Beginner Class B

Kendo Grading in June 2009 at Waikato Dojo Kendo is a part of Japanese traditional Martial arts. Kendo = Japanese Fencing = the Way of Life It involves highly technique of using soward perfoming the form of the art and body conbat along with individuals' character development through other cultural formate. If you have always interested in exploring other culture, Waikato Kendo Club can be a place to make the start. When: Saturday 31 Jul 2010 to Saturday 11 Dec 2010 Where: School of Education Gym Gate 4, Hillcrest Rd. Hillcrest, Hamilton Contact Details: Marleen Charng Email: Phone/fax: 07 856 1488 Mobile: 022 642 9781 Cost and booking details: 20 weeks lessons, $200 only, equipment (rental) included For more information, please visit:

Kevin: This sho dan didn’t come easy

This sho dan didn’t come easy Actually, this shodan didn’t come easy for me There I was in 2007, happily hacking and smashing people with my bamboo sticks. Things were going really well in my life, my job was good and my relationship was better than ever. Then along came Han-Uan, and I had no idea what I was about to get into… Han-Uan Peng was born on 21st June 2008 After Han-Uan was born, things start to feel different pretty quickly. It was a life changing experience that you can never prepare for. My happy and cheerful girl, Marilyn who used to sing “hakuna-matata” (from Lion King) with me became more and more gloomy and depressed as the days passed, trying to cope with the stress of motherhood and not having her family around her to help. People all around me were telling me that I should focus more on family rather than spending time on my hobby and interests. Pressure was coming from everywhere; her family, my family and some colleagues too. I looked after our pet Chihuahua befor...