2022-05-21 Saturday A huge lift up of the Beginners group - fitness, breathing, balancing, movements, Motodachi techniques - thanks to Marleen Sensei for leading the training! 👍👍👍 During Keiko, we often focus too much on hitting the targets and not paying enough attention on our own kihon (basics). It would a deep understanding to grab the idea of good outcome resulting from good basics. * * * Saturday Keiko Reflection for Beginners & Kyu grades - by Janet As one of the five virtues or moral principles of Bushido (way of the samurai) derived from Confucianism, & represented by one of the five pleats on the front of the hakama, Jin (仁) means benevolence, compassion & mercy, & the kanji 仁 symbolises 2 people coming together. In other words we need to treat others kindly with respect & courtesy like how we would like to be treated. Therefore, we need to associate with others with sincerity. So come to each keiko giving your 100% to help others tra...
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