Despite Senseis absence today the keiko tonight went well.
At the beginning & end of keiko it did felt a bit different to omit bowing 🙇🏻♀️ to sensei due to their absence. However it was a true testament to Sam & Marleen senseis’ hard work & dedication to WKC leaving an important legacy as throughout todays keiko, we could still feel their presence & the WKC spirit through the Senpais leading the keiko.
To ensure a productive & injury-free keiko warm up drills are very important. It is also a good time to practise our breathing & Kiai while counting out loud “Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Kyu, Ju”. Make sure the Ki comes from the diaphragm by tightening the abdominal muscles, producing a strong Kiai.
During Fumikomi drills, ensure we don’t lift the right knee up too much but rather the motion should be more forward when pushing off from the ball of the left foot making the left leg almost straight. Then when stamping, we should feel our bodies moving forward before the ball of the right foot make contact with the floor. Following stamping with the right foot, we need to quickly follow up with our left foot to ensure we can execute rensoku or repeated strikes on time.
Tonight’s focus was still on Kihon: Kirikaeshi & Gohon-waza.
It is important for beginners & Kyu grades to not rush into striking during these drill practices, as it is often very easy to want to rush through these disrupting good form & forget Ki Ken Tai Itchi.
We need to ensure prior to executing each strike to double check ourselves & to feel with our bodies:
1. Foot position (ensure the left toe is still in line with the heel of the right foot after stepping into Issoku Ittou no Maai)
2. Kensen touching the opponents & continue to touch throughout & apply pressure with Shinai to fight for centre while advancing into Issoku Ittou no Maai
3. Only execute the strike when we are thoroughly prepared after advancing into correct distance with correct foot work, kamae & strong consecutive Kiai.
Many thanks to the three senpais who showed up to keiko & helped training us three beginners. Even though it was a rather smaller group tonight, but like Leo Senpai said, all we need is just having another person then we can still have a good keiko at dojo (obviously we can still do Hitori-geiko or individual practice without an opponent all by ourselves but nothing beats keiko with one another, so always be grateful & treasure the opportunities we have to keiko with each other no matter who turns up at each keiko).
Thanks heaps to Leo Senpai for leading the keiko tonight🙏🙏🙏
Thanks heaps to Clark Senpai for leading the warm up, suburi & Fumikomi footwork drills🙏🙏🙏
Thanks heaps to both Senpais & Kevin Senpai for being patient Motodachi & Kakarite for us beginners to learn🙏🙏🙏
Also wishing Sam sensei a speedy recovery & Marleen sensei an uneventful isolation🙏🙏🙏