Waikato Kendo Club
Saturday 15th Mar. 2008
3.10 – 6.00pm
1. Formal thanks to helpers of Thursday’s 1st beginners’ class programme: Robin P., Omar, Awatea, Clement, Clark, Tian Li.
2. Cheques giving to Awatea and Clement for opening saving account toward International Kendo Champs.
3. Prize giving to Joshua for he made great efforts of loud kiai on Tuesday’s training session.
B. Training
I. Warm up time
Jumping suburi 50 origional + 10 x 3
Variety Suburi Focus -- te-no-uchi (手 の內)
II. Team shiai -- Each game with two minutes and Ippon only.
Each team make order by grade from lowest to highest. For the senior grade people can be referee.
Each team captain takes care of their own warm up for 10 minutes.
The winning team will be award with 6 litters juice. The losing team will be given lollies for their efforts.
## Each game will be videoed for coach/learners to check individual’s improvement.
III. Kihon training focus – feeling about your Kensen.
i. Kirikaishi x 2
ii. Big semei (Kensen push to opponent’s tsuba) M 3 x 3
iii. Small semei (Kensen push to opponent’s tsuba) M 3 x 3
IV. Stage Two – One side Kakari-geiko 15 x 5
# Big M – KM – KM+ Hiki D – KM – M Hiki M – KM Hiki D – M – Big M
** 5 minutes break
V. Cool down.
Saturday 15th Mar. 2008
3.10 – 6.00pm
1. Formal thanks to helpers of Thursday’s 1st beginners’ class programme: Robin P., Omar, Awatea, Clement, Clark, Tian Li.
2. Cheques giving to Awatea and Clement for opening saving account toward International Kendo Champs.
3. Prize giving to Joshua for he made great efforts of loud kiai on Tuesday’s training session.
B. Training
I. Warm up time
Jumping suburi 50 origional + 10 x 3
Variety Suburi Focus -- te-no-uchi (手 の內)
II. Team shiai -- Each game with two minutes and Ippon only.
Each team make order by grade from lowest to highest. For the senior grade people can be referee.
Each team captain takes care of their own warm up for 10 minutes.
The winning team will be award with 6 litters juice. The losing team will be given lollies for their efforts.
## Each game will be videoed for coach/learners to check individual’s improvement.
III. Kihon training focus – feeling about your Kensen.
i. Kirikaishi x 2
ii. Big semei (Kensen push to opponent’s tsuba) M 3 x 3
iii. Small semei (Kensen push to opponent’s tsuba) M 3 x 3
IV. Stage Two – One side Kakari-geiko 15 x 5
# Big M – KM – KM+ Hiki D – KM – M Hiki M – KM Hiki D – M – Big M
** 5 minutes break
V. Cool down.