Waikato Kendo Club
Tuesday 25th Mar. 2008
6.10 – 9.00pm
A. Management
1. Instructors’ Seminar short oral Report and shiai streitage sharing.
2. NZKF Champs follow up.
B. Training
I. Warm up time
Jumping suburi 60 origional + 10 x 3
II. Kihon training focus –
1. Meaning of being a Mototachi – responsibilities
2. Individual -- feeling about your Kensen
3. Individual -- Manage distance from extend your arms + small foot step.
4. Individual -- For KM strike, please DO strike along with your central line, not worry whether you got the point or not. CENTRE and DISTANCE CONTROL is more important at this stage.
a. Kirikaishi x 5
b. Big seme M 3 x 5
c. Small seme M 3 x 5
d. Small seme M 3 x 5 (mototachi follow up)
e. BIG Kote-M 3 x 5
f. Small Kote-M 3 x 5
g. Small M 3 x 5 (mototachi strike M after receiving seme)
@ 5 minutes break
III. Stage two -- Kakari-geiko (15 x 9)
3 people in a group, each group with a senior.
IV. Cool down – Clement takes charge